UK Sausage Week - 29th October - 4th November

UK Sausage Week Rules & Regulations / Terms & Conditions

  1. The 2024 UK Sausage Week (UKSW) will run from 28th October until 3rd November 2024. However the organisers reserve the right to amend or change the dates at any time without prior notice.
  2. The 2024 UK Sausage Week celebration lunch will take place in London on 28th October 2024. However the organisers reserve the right to amend or change the dates or location at any time without prior notice.
  3. Categories:
    • Best Pork Sausage
    • Best Beef Sausage
    • Best Lincolnshire Sausage
    • Best Cumberland Sausage
    • Best Chipolata Sausage
    • Best Gluten Free / Free From Sausage
    • Best Chicken Sausage
    • Best Speciality Sausage
    • UK Sausage Week – Supreme UK Champion
  4. Yandell Publishing Ltd., the organiser of UK Sausage Week will offer category partnership opportunities to companies and organisations servicing the meat industry at a price deemed to be fair and reasonable by the organisers. Companies or organisations are not allowed to partner a category for which they may potentially be nominated for, or in which they enter products, unless agreeing to withdraw as a potential candidate for the category in question.
  5. Payment for partnership will be due by 1st February 2024 at the latest, or if booked after 1st February 2024, not later than 28 days from the date of formally confirming the category partnership with Yandell Publishing Ltd.
  6. Cancellation: Category partners should note that cancellation charges will apply on all occasions and in any circumstances for cancellation of category partnerships. A full 100% non-refundable charge of the agreed category partnership total will be payable to Yandell Publishing Ltd., unless cancellation notification is received by Yandell Publishing Ltd., in writing within 14 calendar days from the date of the category partnership contract being issued.
  7. As part of this agreement, the sponsor or partner of the event, authorise Yandell Media Group and its subsidiary companies or trading divisions to hold its company or personal information on database and, as required, to share personal or company information with third-party organisations such as the printer of catalogues or menus, publications promoting the event or events, website designers, internet providers, mailing houses, awards venues, IT and AV providers and any other professional companies that Yandell Media Group or its subsidiaries and trading divisions deem it necessary to work with in the course of normal business. The Company’s privacy policy can be viewed at
  8. Category partners of the Year 2024 event will get first refusal for partnering the same category again in 2025. The deadline for decisions for the Year 2025 event will be10th November 2024. After this date the category will be offered to the open market.
  9. Entry forms for UK Sausage Week will be available to the meat industry through
  10. To qualify for this competition, products must include meat as the primary ingredient.
  11. The final deadline for entries in relation to the Year 2024 event will be advised via Meat Management magazine and its website, plus direct email publicity. However the organisers reserve the right to amend or change the deadline dates at any time without prior notice.
  12. Should any category winner not be in a position to attend the UK Sausage Week lunch or fail to formally confirm that they will accept the category award by 10th September 2024; the organisers of UK Sausage Week has, at their absolute discretion, the right to rescind the award and pass it on to the first runner-up / finalist in the category concerned. Information provided by UK Sausage Week to award winners in advance of the presentation lunch is strictly private and confidential and may not be divulged to any third party prior to the award being presented. Any breach of this confidentiality may result in the award being rescinded at the absolute discretion of the organiser.
  13. Please note that photographs and videos will be taken at this event for publicity purposes which may be used either during the event or over the post-event period. By attending this event as either a visitor, or contractor, or in any other capacity, consent to use any images of attendees for promotional purposes by Yandell Media Group is implied. Such promotional use may include magazines, promotion literature, advertising, galleries, video coverage, social media, websites and poster artwork, and any other medium deemed appropriate by the organisers. Note: you are able to contact Yandell Media Group or YPL Exhibitions & Events in writing to withdraw your consent at any time.
  14. Any special guests, presenters and performers appear subject to professional work commitments. No refunds will be given if any advertised line-up changes or does not appear.
  15. Category partners will receive free tickets for 2 persons at the presentation lunch as part of their package and must attend the lunch to present the award for the category agreed. The partner accepts this obligation when contracting to UK Sausage Week and accepts that in the event of non-attendance, no credit or refund will be made by the Organisers, Yandell Publishing Ltd., as a result of such non-attendance.
  16. In the event of a communicable disease including a viral infection or pandemic and / or any resultant official warning or instructions to prevent the assembly of people at a given place or at a given time, or any restrictions following any recommendation or legislation by the World Health Organisation or government that public events may not be staged or can proceed, the organisers are not responsible for any consequential loss should its own event or events or exhibitions be affected, postponed or cancelled, and the organiser will not refund deposits and / or any other payments or deposits either paid, accrued, pending or which are due for payment, or contracted to be paid at a future date. Customers of the organiser who are partners, sponsors, advertisers and / or exhibitors, should ensure that their own event insurance adequately covers them for such eventualities or circumstances, as the organiser will not be found liable for repayments or damages or any consequential loss in such prevailing circumstances.
  17. Tickets purchased, or provided as part of a Partnership package, must not be re-sold in any circumstances.
  18. The organisers of the presentation lunch reserve the absolute right to refuse admission to the lunch without explanation. Correspondence will not be entered into. Competitive media to Meat Management magazine or its portfolio of publications and media products are not permitted to attend the presentation lunch.
  19. The details of the category winners will not be announced until the presentation ceremony.
  20. A UK Sausage Week review supplement will be published and circulated with the November 2024 edition of Meat Management magazine or any other edition deemed suitable by the organisers or publisher. This magazine will also detail the partners of the categories. Advertising opportunities will be made available to category partners, or any business or organisations, who in the opinion of the publisher, is suitable for inclusion in this publication. All advertising bookings are subject to the normal terms and conditions of acceptance for advertising bookings for Meat Management magazine. A copy of these Terms & Conditions are available upon request and available to view at A picture round-up of the presentation lunch will appear in the November 2024 issue of Meat Management magazine, confirming the category winners, although the publisher reserves the right to publish these pictures in any edition felt to be appropriate as an alternative. Any category winners, runners-up, highly commended and category partners of the 2024 UK Sausage Week accept and agree that their company name may be used in materials to promote present and future awards (without breaching confidentiality), and as participants hereby give this authorisation to the organiser of UK Sausage Week.
  21. If for any reason the organiser of UK Sausage Week has reason to believe that any form of ‘judge rigging’ or manipulation of judging is being attempted, the organiser has the absolute right, at his discretion, to disqualify the entries in question.
  22. Details of all judging will be kept private & confidential and names and addresses of judges or how they scored products will not be disclosed for any reason. The judging procedure is subject to the provisions of the Data Protection Act and General Data Protection Regulations.
  23. In the event of a tie, the casting decision will be with the chairman of the judging panel.
  24. As all entries to the UKSW competition is free and the competition receives many hundreds of entries, the organisers regret that no feedback about the results or the judging of individual products is possible and judges’ comments or judges’ marking of products entered will not be provided to entrants.
  25. The organisers reserve the right without prior notice to revise or change the date of the UKSW lunch, the location and time of the lunch, and the nature and format of the lunch and presentation event at any time, at their full discretion. In such circumstances the organisers will inform the Partner or Sponsor or any Participants in writing of any changes that the organisers believe to be appropriate to facilitate the successful conclusion of the Awards or UKSW promotional programme. If the organiser gives such notice to the Partner or Sponsor or Participant, the organiser shall be entitled to retain all monies paid to the Organiser prior to service of such notice and to seek immediate payment of all monies due to the Organiser from the Partner or Sponsor or Participant.
  26. To find out how we use your data and information please view our privacy policy:
  27. In relation to all rules and regulations covering UK Sausage Week and the presentation lunch, the organiser’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

© Copyright: These rules and regulations are the copyright of Yandell Publishing Ltd., 8 Vermont Place, Tongwell, Milton Keynes MK15 8JA. They may not be reproduced or copied in any form without the written permission of the copyright holder.