UK Sausage Week - 29th October - 4th November
UK Sausage Week – Product Entry Form
There are two categories you can enter.
Traditional and Innovative
Each company may enter a maximum of 2 types of traditional sausage and 2 types of innovative sausage.
The traditional category may include regional specialities such as Cumberland, Lincolnshire, Newmarket, Lorne etc.
For the innovative category, the judges are looking for creative and inspirational products using a diverse range of ingredients.
Each product MUST be:
– clearly labelled with the unique entry code issued by the online system (received once products are entered onto the form below)
– delivered to Regional Food Academy at Harper Adams University on Tuesday 3rd September 2019, full details and the address will be given on the confirmation email.
There is no charge for entering this competition.
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For more information on UK Sausage Week and how to get involved please contact us below: